
science fair 예문

"science fair" 뜻  


    예문 더보기:   1  2  3  4
  1. The ones I hatched for the science fair.
    과학 품평회에서 내가 부화시킨 거 말이야
  2. Oh, these are all my science fair trophies.
    이건 과학대회에서 상 받은 거야
  3. Honorable Mention: Cook County Science Fair.
    지방 과학대회에서 가작...
  4. Where's the Alice who made vodka pot brownies with me... for the junior high science fair?
    중학교 과학박람회 때 보드카와 대마초로... 브라우니를 만들던 앨리스는 어디 갔어?
  5. Well, it's too bad we can't just do, like a science fair thing and just run all our clocks and everything off a potato.
    과학경진대회 마냥 감자로 시계나 전자기기들

기타 단어

  1. "sciatic" 예문
  2. "sciatic nerve" 예문
  3. "sciatica" 예문
  4. "science" 예문
  5. "science and culture" 예문
  6. "science and law" 예문
  7. "science and technology" 예문
  8. "science and technology by country" 예문
  9. "science and technology in japan" 예문
  10. "science education" 예문
  11. "science fiction" 예문
  12. "science fiction fans" 예문
  13. "science fiction film" 예문
  14. "science fiction hall of fame inductees" 예문
  15. "science fiction horror" 예문
  16. "science fiction literature" 예문
  17. "science fiction television" 예문
  18. "science fiction television series" 예문
  19. "science fiction theatre" 예문